Friday, November 14, 2008

The real Americans

We joined the club. Literally we did. It is not told rule, if you live in the states, you have to join the club - The Sports Club! Yesterday, after putting the kids in bed and leaving them with my mother, we went to sport. We are members since the opening two months ago of this new him a tour and showed him how the exercise machines are working. We did some running and some muscle training. The ones who know P can probably picture him lifting too much weight and doing way too many exercises than he should because he thinks its funny and he is absolutely not serious about it. But I warned him, no whining, no complaining about hurting muscles, I will show no pity!

The club is beautiful. It has a whole floor of exercise machines, a swimming pool, sauna, whirlpool etc, a beauty saloon, climbing wall, squash courts and basketball - indoor soccer fields. After leaving P with his puffing by the machines, I found him back at the soccer field. There was a couple of kids playing and he joined the team while I decided to relax in a whirlpool - hehe! Half hour later, I had to pick up my big baby, who had a totally red face and wet wet wet with sweat, smiling because he got to 'play' with other kids!

We came to a peaceful home and I ate couple pieces of dark chocolate - it's good for you - and P had some -not diet- ice tea. In America, that's how it's supposed to be!

Friday, November 7, 2008


We had another dentist appointment today, F has problem teeth - mother's daughter. She already had a root canal, two fillings and one more is scheduled. She is 5 and it's all about the baby teeth! We are being quite careful with brushing and what she eats and drinks, I don't want her permanent teeth to get bad. Today I got the news that we should be even more careful. She already has a molar in her mouth, more is coming and 2 of her teeth are loose. The evening before, I thought I had seen something but I just didn't want to believe it. Such a big girl.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Last bits of summer

The last 3 days were amazing! The temperature was around 18- 20 C. We walked around in t-shirts. The first day I picked up A from school and I just wanted to be outside. We went in the nature preserve next to our neighborhood for a picnic. I knew there was a bench just at the end of the forest. We biked there and had our sandwiches and cookies there. It was beautiful and I could see how A was enjoying it. Monday is my creative writing course day, so I couldn't do much with F after her pick-up. We picked-up another girl, Salma from school as her mother was to the city and her train arrived just 10 minutes too late. We walked together to the station and then went to the park for a short while. That was F's share.

Next day, we went for a picnic again with A. Our bench was taken, so we went a bit further. I knew we would end up by a playground which I was trying to avoid, but it went OK. We had our lunch, A played a while and we left without any arguments. On the way back, we ran into Kim who was walking her dog. We walked together and finally had the chance to catch up. I took F and Rowan to the park after 2.30 and of course half of their class and their mothers were at the same place. I think we stayed there till 5 p.m., left when Brooke finally managed to convince her kids to go home. I was exhausted! Hardly managed to see the speach of the new president Obama.

Today, I finally got the chance to pickup A on the bike. Today is supposed to be the last warm day, snow is expected in the week-end. The wind was quite strong, it was tiring to bike. I picked up A and she said she wanted to go for a picnic. Well, we did that too. After 1,5 hours of biking, I am exhausted, but happy. These were unexpected, beautiful days in November in Chicago. Ironically, P who is in Miami since Friday, had only rain...

Mouse stories - with a little bit of raccoon

Since my mother already went to sleep to wake in the middle of the night due to a jet lag, and the kids are in bed as well - although I can here A, I can use the time to tell about the mouse in the house.

It started couple weeks ago, I saw a dead baby mouse in the middle of the storage. The next day we found another dead baby mouse under the shelves. Then there is the story of the mouse that escaped (see posting Sunday October 5th). I finally got the exterminator, the same company that was here right before we moved in - I had seen a dead mouse next to the sump pump.

One morning the exterminator came. I just picked up A from school. I went with him to the basement, told the story and he started looking around. He said that he indeed saw traces of mouse and told me that he'll be upstairs in 20 minutes or something. I got the feeling that he didn't want to have me there, but of course I was curious. I said I would stay, I just wanted to see what he was doing. He said it was my house, I could be where ever I want. i was asking questions and I think he realized that I wasn't trying to control his work but I was truly interested. He started telling me all about this mouse business. He showed me where the holes were, what kind of places they would like, when they come inside and when they are active (between 5 p.m. and 5 a.m.) and all kinds of interesting stuff.

Whenever I turned to see another mouse hole, A was asking me 'where is the mouse'. The only mouse she knows is Mickey Mouse and I shouldn't forget the mouse from Cinderella. Of course we didn't see one running around so my daughter is not disillusioned.

The guy showed me all kinds of places in the garage where the mouse can find a hole to get into the house. Of course the deck is the biggest problem, we cannot see what for holes are underneath, there is no opening or shutter. He placed poison good for 80+ mouse and headed to his car.

As I said, he seemed kind of happy to talk to someone with genuine interest, he stopped a second to chat. He was a policeman before he started with the exterminator company. He was working at the emergency of a hospital, looking to the cases that needed police attention. Once they brought a man who was getting scrap metal out of garbage containers and selling them for living. Scrap metal guy jumped in a container and came face to face with a raccoon - don't I love the raccoon -. No coincidence, I had already told him our other animal encounters. The raccoon attacked him, scratched his whole face. In panic, he climbed out of the container and got out, but somehow managed to hit his head to something while he was jumping and passed out. The raccoon got him again while he was unconscious. When they brought him to the hospital, well you can imagine that he looked horrible. See, I knew it, those raccoon are bad!

I expect the exterminator this week, I hope he can find the hole, before the mouse finds a way to come upstairs and scare the h... out of my mother and give me a lot of worries about my girls!

My mother arrived!

For the ones who are waiting for some news, my mother arrived today and she had a nice trip. She saw most of the house and actually stood on the basement trap and looked around. She is extremely scared of mouses and yes we have them somewhere in the basement. I hired a company who is supposed to take care of them, only it takes a while. The problem is, they probably come from some place under the deck and the walls are finished. We cannot look under the deck and break all the walls, so I wonder how we will find the hole which they use to come inside the house. I'll come back to this probably.

At the airport, F was so excited, she was jumping around when she was Anneanne (grandma in Turkish). We were waiting for more than an hour. A was unfortunately sleeping. When she woke up in the car, she had this big smile. F is really trying to speak Turkish. I am expecting their Turkish to improve while my mother is here. My mother brought nice presents for them, no no-sense toys, so we are still good with our Montessori life. The kids showed their best at the dinner, setting the table, cleaning up, F helping A with stuff...

My mother went to sleep around 8.3 p.m. and I think she will be totally awake around 4 a.m. but I warned her. I'll continue with my mother's USA adventures in the coming days.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

President of The USA

It is 10 pm and I was actually about to go to bed. But I couldn't stop myself from setting the computer on. Obama is just announced as the next President of the USA. He was senator from Illinois, so they have a big party in Grant Park in Chicago. He will make an appearance there. I don't remember how the elections were celebrated in the Netherlands or Turkey, but here people are gathered all over the country to celebrate in churches, parks, etc. in real organized parties for citizens. Grand Park is packed with people, the camera is focusing on a man (50-60 years), African-American, crying. Not the first tears I saw in the last 10 minutes on the screen.

McCain is talking in Arizona to his supporters, one of his best performances from the ones I heard till now.

Very tired and still waiting for the Obama speech. I think I will turn off the computer and head to bed right after it....


OK, still online... Obama is on TV. Lots and lots o f tears on the screen.

....He's saying that his two kids are getting a puppy when they go to the White House.... Back to serious business, the guy has a charisma and a charm. I'm glad Bush is gone and let's wait and see.... Good night.

Sucked by the black hole

What are the odds of ending in the same hospital as P with similar symptoms two months after his operation? Sunday October 26, I had to spend the night at the black hole hospital or otherwise known as the pretend hospital. I had the deja vue of P??!!

Beginning of the afternoon, right after I came home from my grocery shopping - I do it alone as P and the kids are at the church - my tachycardia started. I have it once a year, since I am +/- 12. 1st time was scary but know I am veteran, I know this thing doesn't kill me. I usually sit or lay down and wait for it to go away.

P was trying to set up a video call w/ Jannet, so I silently laid down, trying to stay out of the conversation. P was having some trouble ' we hear you, do you hear us? yes. uuups, connection lost...'. I even tried to help to solve the connection problems and waved to the webcam as I suddenly appeared on the screen.

P started to walk in the room , with the computer in his hand. A tour of the house. In the meanwhile, I started to feel a little discomfort in my chest and shoulder muscles. When P was done w/ the 1st floor and headed to the 2nd, he asked 'are you OK?'. I said 'not really' and of course man cannot do 2 things at a time, he was holding the computer, so he couldn't understand what I said and ... he was gone to the 2nd. I could hear him telling about the rooms as the pain increased. I tried to call P, but couldn't manage. After couple attempts, I realized his 2 syllable name was impossible to call under the circumstances, so I called for help. Finally P came down running and got the picture.

What could we do? We had to go to the black hole. There were not many options. In the Netherlands, I would go to a hospital, they would give me some medication through the blood, and after 2-3 hours, I would go home. I knew they would keep me there. What if I died that night because I choked on my food? P could sue them and even win the case!

At the emergency care, we had doctors around me. Of course my heart beat was between 200-220, so they were worried - not me. I said I felt chest pain, probably caused by my heart and chest muscles. But of course they said I should spend the night there.

At the emergency room, a guy came. He started telling us about the possible operations I could have and we told him that we were aware of everything because of P's recent operation. So we told him how that went and the guy ended up just giving us a brochure. That conversation costed 400-500 dollars to our insurance. The American health care system.

What a night after at the hospital. Every so many hours checks - for me or my neighbor. No wonder people get so tired in the hospitals, they never give you a moment to rest. In the morning, the doctor didn't come for a long time, so the checkout was somewhere at the beginning of the afternoon. They really did little checks on me, they knew already that I was OK. I was just sucked by the black hole!