Thursday, June 24, 2010
Too much
Yesterday we had the cutest phone call. It was Pippa, a friend of Miss F. I first didn't understand who it was. It's the first time a friend of the kids calls us. She wanted to ask if Miss F. was available for a play date. We had the swimming and Ravinia, so I said no. "But", I said, "tomorrow morning, she is available." Pippa had to think a minute. "Sure" she said. I suggested that she asks her mother. "OK", she said "I will ask her and call you back in a minute." and she hang up. It was so cute that it didn't occur to her to put the phone down, ask her mother and come back. Of course we had to leave, but her mother called this morning. Miss F has a playdate tomorrow morning. She is so excited.
When Pippa hung up, Miss F. said "was that Pippa? I can't do that!" And I know she can't, my little shy daughter. Just so funny to hear it from her. I think after this, she might actually consider calling someone. She knows that it's possible.
We celebrated Sheila's birthday today. Other than that, we didn't do too much. Still the kids are very tired, and somehow not ready to sleep. I just hope nobody gets sick.
I saw the first firefly in the backyard. The beauty of summer!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The Chinese Acrobats at Ravinia
I took the kids tonight to the Chinese Acrobats at Ravinia. Their first Ravinia experience, and it was spectacular. (oh, how missed P, too bad he couldn't make it!!) I watched as much as possible those two little girls with huge eyes, laughing, clapping, jumping on their seats in total excitement. I told them how me and daddy came to Ravinia for concerts, had a nice picnic with friends and listened to music. Miss F. asked if there was also a guy standing on one hand on six chairs. No, we had just music. Ohhh... How am I ever going to bring them to one of the classical music concerts, their expectations is more of visual spectacle. At 9.15 pm, on Skokie Highway driving home, Miss F. said she can do a trick herself. Totally proud of herself, she crossed her legs like a fakir and put her nose against her shoes.I guess I will see a lot of strange acrobatics from the girls in the coming days.
Just a short recount of the day: last night's storm faded away for just a while. In the morning, we saw a piece of the sun. Then the rain started again. We were planning to meet Fauzia and her kids at the park, but instead they came over and brought some bagels. Yam! She came with Kareem who ended up playing with Miss. F. and Ameena who re-discovered her old friend Miss A. After they left, we had dinner for lunch - it was most logical thing to do since we were having PBJ's for dinner! Then we went to Chiro and then to the girls' last swimming lessons at our gym. Miss A. and her friend Tristan were amazing. They were probably showing off to the new teacher who will take over from our Tom. Tom is leaving LifeTime. He is the one who thought both Miss A and Tristan how to swim, so we will miss him! Anyway, the two, just like it was no deal, started swimming doggy style and half way turning on their back. No problem. The proud smiles and the laughter... Two weeks ago, I remember seeing a little girl crying in the pool, saying she didn't want to swim. She did remind me to Miss A., but probably it was another girl! Since it was Miss A.'s last lesson with Tristan, I let them play together in the pool. This means that I didn't have the chance to sit closer to Miss F. Well, I know she does quite well, and I can still see her from distance. However, she had a short lesson. A storm was approaching. Everybody had to leave the pool. I didn't mind it a lot. We still had to go to Ravinia. We had dinner (PBJ's) in the car and just after the rain stopped, arrived to the Ravinia parking lot. Then we are back to the acrobats... What a day!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Barrington Youth Dance Ensemble
Our day started with a visit to downtown Lake Forest to bring some food to Miss A's teacher who just had a baby. We saw the baby! Then to Panera for some bagels, P's wish. We were to celebrate Fathers' day today, so his wish was my command. Than we had a short trip to Libertyville. It was time for the Libertyville Parade, out 3rd. We went late because we didn't feel like rushing to Libertyville at 10 am. It was a good decision. The sun was hot and the parade was long. It took a while for Miss F. to open up and run after candy. Miss A. had less trouble with it.
After the parade, sweating and hot, we left for Barrington. It started just like expected, we couldn't find the place. The address was not good. From some other people who made the same mistake, we heard that we had to go to the high school. 5 minutes before the start time, we entered the building. I was surprised that our tickets, bought online 2 weeks ago were there waiting for us.
The atmosphere was more like the ballet recital of the girls. But the show proved me wrong. The Ensemble presented two scenes from Sleeping Beauty: one when the prince kisses Princess Aurora and wakes her up and one from the wedding of the prince and the princess.
The little dancers came on the stage first, and did their part without a flaw. They looked cute and well prepared. Then the teenagers came on the stage. It looked very professional, very beautiful. The dancers did very well, all well prepared, good choreography, beautiful decors... It all reminded me the Little Mermaid of Christian Youth Theatre on our first year in USA. When the fairy came on the stage, I looked at Miss F and saw the sparkles in her eyes. She applauded so hard after every piece of the show. Miss A just kept on asking if there was more and wanted to stay in her seat after the show. These girls might be ready to see a whole ballet production! It's so much pleasure to share these moments with the four of us!
Monday, June 7, 2010
A crazy week
Monday, May 31: the week started with a free day. So what am I complaining about!! It was the memorial day weekend. It was fine having P home especially since his parents arrived the Thursday before memorial day.
Tuesday, June 1: Brought Miss F. to Gorton center and Miss A. to school. Then I went home to assist - read following all over the place like a little nosy old lady - Anderson Pest Solutions. Haha, he found 4 dead mouses, probably trapped in before he closed the hole. That's what he and I and all of us are hoping. Those dead mouses can stink!!
Wednesday, June 2: I this was the day I stayed at the Gorton Center to help with the costumes. It was so much fun being there, seeing Miss F. with her friends... She saw me and I could see the excitement in her expression. I smiled and then ignored her. I didn't want to be a distraction. I think she understood it. We smiled each other each time I saw her, and that was it. It felt so good to be involved and be close to Miss F. I know she'll never forget that. That's the reason I love being home with the kids.
After picking up Miss. A, I took her home, left her with my in-laws and went back to the Gorton Center for a short while. After school, I brought Miss F. to Charlie's b-day party and went to LifeTime for Miss. A's swimming lesson. Tristan didn't show up and there was an older busy boy in her class. Miss A. decided that she didn't want to have a lesson. Meester Tom did every thing he could, I used all techniques including the bribes I knew, but no way!Too bad for the grand parents who came to watch her. After the struggle, we left he lesson and went to pickup a happy Miss F. From there, the grand parents brought me to my Chiropractor and left with the kids. P was supposed to come there, too. Unfortunately he changed plans. I had to walk from the chiropractor to Barnes & Noble in a cold weather with light rain, to my SCBWI meeting. I had a story with me, my first story in the States actually, version 25. I have a love/hate relationship with the story. The readers had the same, too - different though, some liked it, some hated it. At 9pm sharp. P came to pick me up!
Thursday, June 3: Thursday was the day of the technical rehearsal for the ballet. After F's pickup, we went to the Rec Center. I was the room mom for F's group, with 2 other moms. I ended up staying with another group which had no room mom. Ballet tech rehearsal is nothing exciting. All the kids practice the grand finale, twice. this means a lot of waiting. At the end, they do their routine once, and they are done. The whole process tool like 2 hours, way too long for the little ones. I was tired at the end, the little ones were exhausted! Oh well, it was one down, two to go.
Friday, June 4: Shweta, the new girl from school invited couple people from school for a little morning coffee. Always fun! Close to the 3 pm, we went to the Lake Forest Library with my in-laws. It's a beautiful building, very nice to see. After Miss F's pick up, we went straight to the Lake Forest High School for the dress rehearsal. It's the first time the kids do their ballet routine on the stage. It's so much fun to see. The confusion, the overwhelmed look on their faces when they see the big room... They did so well, all of them. That same evening, I went out with Shelley to chill out at bit. We had a very nice evening, I had never talked to Shelley so much, I'm glad I did!
Saturday, June 5th: Miss F. had drama rehearsal until 1pm. We had strict instructions from school about the following hours. The kids were supposed to rest. At 6pm, they had the real thing! Kids from 5 year and older are allowed to go to the school drama. So Miss A. had to stay home with a sitter. For weeks, each time I mentioned her this, she started crying. I was really worried about it. I remember how upset she was when we went to see Mary Poppins. She had cried for the whole time we were gone and she had slammed the door on the sitter's face - poor Kerrie! I was waiting for the same reaction!
Well, after crying many times, she told me that she was afraid the sitter wouldn't understand her. She is so much used to have her sister as the talk! It's easier for me when I know the exact thing she is worried about. I said to Miss A. that she can watch a movie (we got a movie at the library the day before), and she might even see another one. She wouldn't have to talk at all. Somehow, this seemed to sound good to her. She actually had something to look forward to! When the sitter came - Veronica -, she just went off with her. She was totally OK - they did watch movies for hours, but well, she wasn't slamming doors or crying!
The play was at 6pm. We all got prepared, P wore his leather slippers against all my objections, and we went to see the play. The whole production was so well done, so cute... Miss F., who was saying that she will not go on stage, took her place and sang her songs as confident as a person can be! The little ones were in a choir, they sang 3 songs. The older kids had real parts with words. It was amazing how those kids put on stage a whole production in three weeks of partial repetition and then one week full time practicing! We saw the movie of Miss F. probably 15 times already.
oh yes, at the intermission, Duncan said "P should let me know when he will wear his flip flops again, I will do that, too!" Just too funny!
A little note about the play: the school does this for couple of reasons:
- the kids build confidence for being on stage - think about giving speeches, talking or performing in front of a crowd of people.
- it's a good experience to work together and produce something together. The older ones help the younger ones, the younger ones see the process the older ones go through.
- The kids get to know each other in a different way, in a different environment than the normal school.
I love our school!
Sunday, June 6th: We had the seats right in front of the stage for the ballet recital. Some people said the seats were too low and too close by. They probably just wanted those seats and couldn't get it. We were basically nose to nose with the kids. We could perfectly see them, and they could see us.
Miss A. was too occupied with Miss Sarah, her ballet teacher. She didn't see us at all. Miss Sarah was on the stage with the them and Miss A. was, as usual fully focused on her. They didn't present their best performance, some kids got a bit confused, but with the little ones, everything is just too cute!! After the intermission, Miss F. came on the stage and her class put on stage their best performance. The ballet movie is also watched many many times!
And this was the end of the crazy busy week!