Friday, September 26, 2008

The web is gone crazy!

After my last posting just an hour ago, I decided to read for my writing course, I have real homework to do. Just before that I thought I will do a little reading and commenting on some blogs I follow time to time. I was very happy to see that Bleeding Espresso ( posted the potato salad recipe I was gonna search on Internet one of these days. We will have little BBQ soon. I commented - don't know if it went OK, I couldn't find my comment on the page later on, and went on reading some more stuff.

First this posting, and than that, I started following some links on subjects as 'how do you increase traffic on your blog' and one hour later, I GOT LOST ON THE WEB! It still amazes me how much time and energy people are putting in those blogs, I am a super rookie, my blog is not even a baby, it's an embryo. Looking at my homework, the messy house and the 2,5 hours a day I have alone to myself, my blog will stay an embryo forever! This is very sad and I can't even say 'I will get a drink and forget about the whole thing for a while' because I am stuffed with too many drugs (medicines!) at this moment. I think I will do something crazy, turn off the computer, take my antibiotic 2 hours too early -OK, too dramatic, I know 2 hours difference can't cause an overdose', and go to sleep! Ciao!


Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

I just went through my spam folder and didn't see your comment there either :( Thanks for trying though, and I hope you enjoy the recipe!

Expat mum said...

Discipline, discipline. I was warned by a blogging friend early on that it sucks you in and takes over your life, so I look at the clock when I sit down to do blog stuff and really limit how much time I spend on it. Otherwise I'd get nothing else done.