Wednesday, July 1, 2009


A has been complaining about her eyes so many times, and since the eye doctor didn't find a thing, the pediatrician decided to send her for an MRI. Just after Italy trip, on June 30st, I took her to the Lake Forest hospital. Nice that P's parents were still visiting, I could leave F to them. Our experience with the hospital has not been very positive, so I was quite nervous about it. She had her appointment at 10.30, the MRI to begin at 11.00 am. She wasn't supposed to eat or drink for 6 hours before the MRI. I just couldn't understand why they would make an appointment with such a young child so late in the morning. If she get thirsty or hungry, how could I explain her that she wasn't allowed? On the other hand, in the Netherlands, we would wait 2 months for the MRI, no actually we would never have an MRI, so I shouldn't complain. Plus A did OK with not eating/drinking.

At the hospital, they did an infuse in A's hand. She didn't say a thing. She just turned her head and looked surprised. While they were giving her the medication, we were reading. She reached for some picture on the page. went back and forth, and fell asleep. I should have warned them. Our little A, probably feeling she was taken from me, started waking up and screaming the moment they entered the MRI room. A little more drugs, and no crying anymore.

She woke up well and the results say that she has nothing wrong with her brain. Wow, that was one scary thing, that went by, and went OK.

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