Thursday, September 9, 2010


I wish I didn't make a posting like this. I was actually planning to write couple things that I still have to put here, like the trip to Yellowstone or my mom's visit. But the nausea and the dizziness is just taking my days over. I cannot function at all. Poor P, he has to do everything. He's like a single dad. And he tries so hard, I feel bad for being the weak one. Normally I am the one who "takes care", and I like that role. I cannot cook, it makes me puke. I cannot even think about going to the supermarket. The idea of all the food around makes my stomach upset. The only thing I do is to sleep. Today, I brought the kids to school - yes I managed that! - then I slept from 9.30 until 11.00. Then I picked up Miss A. After her lunch, I somehow managed to position myself on the couch around 12.30pm and when I checked the time, it was 3.00pm. I didn't really sleep, I could still hear the little one walking and talking. I even remember giving answers to her questions, but oh boy, I was in another world!

I'm almost in my 12th week. That means almost the end of the 1st trimester. I hope this time, unlike the other pregnancies, I will really feel good in my 2nd and 3rd trimesters. I am looking forward to it! Cross your fingers!

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