Saturday, August 23, 2008

F's first soccer training

We got F to a soccer club. Why? To get her socialized, to get her into sports and also because it sounded like a good idea when the sportive neighbours said it would be so much fun for her if we did it. One more thing, the trainer is Turkish and obviously F understands better Turkish than English at this moment.

That's also how I got her to the club. She had to be 5 before sept 1st but of course she is not. I sent a mail saying that she really wanted it and she didn't speak any English but Turkish and having someone speaking a language she understands would make her feel better. I got a very nice mail saying: 'Welcome! We completely understand how difficult it can be to not speak the native language. The fact that she speaks Turkish-how on earth could we turn her away? 23 days is not significant. We actually have two Turkish coaches and they would be thrilled to have your daughter join Young Scouts'

We bought her small soccer shoes, shin guards and knee socks. She was very enthusiastic about it, she showed them to P when he came home. We went yesterday to the field. There were many little kids of her age. They all got a ball. They gathered in the field in a long row. Our little F went there with some reluctance, P had to bring her actually. The trainer said the kids to drill. All of them left the line running after their balls except one little girl. She was looking down, not moving at all and of course started crying. P went to her. She joined the group when the kids were divided in teams of 4 and and playing a game. F stood at the beginning on the line with another kid who didn't want to play either - his father had to join P. After a while, she started running with the other kids. There was a girl with pink socks and pink skirt in her team and she kind of started following her. And the Turkish trainer was talking and encouraging her - in Turkish. He said he will buy ice cream if she touches the ball - luckily the other kids couldn't understand that. Finally at the very end she kicked the ball once.

Today she seems more enthusiastic. Next week there is a new training and we will try to make her even more enthusiastic about it. Seems like we will be playing some soccer the whole family. I will continue next week...

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