Sunday, June 21, 2009

BBQ at Brook's

Yesterday, we were invited to a BBQ at Brook's house. I knew she had catering, I knew she had everything arranged. I didn't know what to expect... would it be stiff, formal, too chick? It was partly yes, but in an OK way. It was really nice actually. Good food, nice people... Duncan is really fun, the right person to sit next to at a dinner.

I met a woman who is related to Voltaire! What are the chances that you meet in your entire life to someone related to Voltaire. I found that very exciting, though I just couldn't remember the name of at least 'Candide', I read the book before and we studied it at school. Missed a chance to show off, he he. By the way, P's parents were back from their trip, so we had excellent sitters!

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