Monday, April 5, 2010

We are jinxed!

If you need a new job in a new, cool place, come and be our friend. Check this list:

Ale and Martin - to Uruguay (we knew that, though!)
Anne - to Germany (OK, we knew that one, too)
Dave and Tena - to Denver
Leo and Carla - New York - oh so unexpected!
Padraic and Anitra - Boston - we were just becoming friends

All happy to be gone, all to a new challenge. If you become friends with us and you have ambitions, we somehow - don't know how - make it possible for you! And we were supposed to be here for a short time. We were supposed to leave and have everyone wave us good bye! What is happening here?

Someone said to me today how wonderful it will be to visit New York and Boston and all the other places. Yes it's true. Denver was great. Still, it's not the easiest thing to find new dear friends in a new country. Then they keep on moving so far away. The only thing I can say is: we are jinxed!


Gill - That British Woman said...

I fancy Australia or Tennessee, can you help with that....LOL

Gill in Canada

O. the expat mom said...

I wouldn't mind Australia myslef, but what is in Tennessee?? (Can't even spell the name!)