Friday, March 14, 2008


February 12
This is a nice anecdote. It is 10 pm, we are in bed and P turns his light off to sleep. (we are going to sleep pretty early since we are here). I was just thinking that I heard some funny noise outside and we hear some kind of honking. I get out of bed and look outside. A snowplow cannot get through because our rental car is blocking the way. P says 'no way I am getting out. he can pass by'. Well, I don't think so. Typical P. I think. While I am trying to persuade P that he does not have a choice - except that he can send me there, but of course I don't mention it - a neighbor comes running to our house.
He had to get his truck out of the way too. I sign him from our bedroom window while P is looking for his socks and complaining that he has to get dressed - well I can't blame him. Luckily the neighbor sees me and does not ring the bell. Last thing we want is two kids totally awake just at the beginning of the night. P moves the car to the drive way of the neighbors and comes back to shuffle our driveway.
The same neighbor comes to help with his snow shovel. As I am thinking how nice that is, come another neighbor running to help.

Well what a surprisingly nice people to come to our help. Our driveway has now a clean spot where we can park our car.
At 10:40pm the whole car fits in its new spot!

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