Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Great news yesterday. No April fool days joke, I am an auntie - for the second time! My brother got a little baby girl. There is some kind of a joke aspect to it: one day later, they still don't have a name for her. It is so exciting. Next week, we will go to visit them. So I will get to see my niece before she is walking around and I hope to be there right after the big visitors flow is gone. Good planning. The labor was planned, there would be a c section. I expected to get a message from my brother just before I went to sleep. I couldn't sleep anyway. Around 12:30 am, I got this empty text message from my brother. I called him right away. Of course in all the excitement, he send everyone an empty message.

Although the birth of the little baby is too big to have time to think about other things, we were busy with some other stuff. Life goes on.

First of all, we had our fourth raccoon. Nick was away for one week - spring break. Monday after the break I called him again and Tuesday morning there was the raccoon. Today, Wednesday, the trap is empty. I called Nick quite early in all the excitement. Maybe we are done with them. That would be such a relief. We have to wait couple more days and if we are sure that there are no visitors under the deck, we will secure the holes.

Second one is F's room furniture. We have been waiting of it for weeks. We ordered her 'princess room' as she wanted. Weeks passed by and we didn't receive it. Each time I called the lady we placed the order, said she just that morning was on the line with the other company -wholesaler or something like that. The furniture would arrive soon. Yesterday I got a call from the company she was working with to hear that the producers of the furniture was filed a bankruptcy. So after weeks, we have to start over again. Believe me, I was not amused!

One more thing about the furniture: I really had enough of assembling furniture. Yesterday we made the new TV stand and I hope that we are done for a while.

Third is F's school. It is so difficult to make a decision about the schools. She misses the public school year because she turns 5 after September 1. So she has to go to a private school. Keeping her home is not an option for us. We don't want her to miss a year of school. (she already missed one semester). We like one school but that one is very expensive and it F might have to go only in the afternoons. The other option is a Montessori school but it is very small, cannot offer extras as sports or music and has no playground outside. F is having some adjustment problems, I want to finalize the decision about the school so that I can arrange a summer school for her.

As last, I have been getting some mails from my ex-colleagues and long lost friends. It makes me feel great to hear from you. Reminds me that there is a whole life outside raccoons, furniture, schools and boxes.

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