Tuesday, February 16, 2010

P's call from Paris

A conversation you don't want to have in the supermarket is about your husband going into surgery. Almost, I should say. When P called, I understood that he had a surgery. A misunderstanding! Made me shiver!

He just found out in Europe that he is suffering a double hernia and he will have to be operated. He didn't have an acute operation, as I thought. Hopefully he will come home and have it. So I was at the supermarket, getting groceries with A, and talking to him. I got looks from the people around when I made weird exclamation sounds. Poor P, works so hard and gets all those health problems.

Looks like we will continue this story. I look forward to write that it's all behind and we are safe, sound and healthy.

1 comment:

Consu Detail said...

"Poor P, works so hard and gets all those health problems."

Maybe turn it around Ozge......

Is de ouwe man inmiddels weer hersteld?


