Saturday, February 27, 2010

Nursing the husband

P made it to home from the hospital just fine. He had the surgery last Tuesday and he's been home since then. It's quite weird to have him home full time, normally he's never home. Amazingly, his biggest love - the Blackberry - didn't get too much attention and we really had the chance to enjoy his presence at home.

Since Miss A was home most of the time, she had all the time with daddy. They sat together, hand in hand as A always does, and read books. The kids sense when there is something wrong, nobody jumped on P or hurt him in another way.

We had good wishes from friends from school and his work. Paul stopped by one evening. We have now this half tree in our foyer, a present from P's colleagues. Chris and Fauzia were very nice to take care of the girls when P was in surgery.

P has been good patient, except his continuous request of coffee and thee. Ha ha, I'm teasing! Just couple more days and he is going back to work. Just couple more days...

1 comment:

Gill - That British Woman said...

glad he is making a good recovery. How long will he be off work for?

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Gill in Canada