Saturday, March 13, 2010

New wart remedy

Miss A invented a new way of getting rid of plantard warts. She talks to her wart. She says "Go away. Don't grow anymore. You have to get smaller." The thing is, she also says what the wart tells her. It says "I want to grow. I want to stay here." The wart in her imagination became some kind of an animal. Sometimes she says that the wart is moving and trying to come off. It's supposed to feel like a worm - or "worms are coming out of it."

I have to confess that I am a bit responsible for this "creativity". After all the doctors (lots of crying), medicines, filing etc, I might have started talking to the wart while putting on the medication. I hope it will come off soon and we will all forget about it - and all the imagination around it. I don't want Miss A's imaginary friend to be a wart - yuck!


Gill - That British Woman said...

dd had one of those when she was probably around 5, the doctor burned it off for us, painful at the time, but so much easier than fiddling on with the nedications....

Gill in Canada

The family Pieterson said...

Try garlic!!! It's smelly but It really works!

O. the expat mom said...

I even tried ducktape. I'll try anything to get rid of that thing!